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'We are a fair trade-place that sources on a profit-sharing basis directly from farmers or FPO's.


Our first studio was the kitchen floor.

Chrissy was a single mom, and she wanted to create the perfect personalized gift. She started making handmade, personalized jewelry out of her kitchen, and selling on Etsy. When she had to move into the dining room, she thought she had made it big!
Six years later, aro has three workspaces and employs over 85 people. And arojewelry makers still use their hands to create high quality jewelry that’s accessible for all and made personal by you.
Not bad for the kitchen floor.

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Barnyard Millet

Also Known As : Sanwa/Oodallu/Jhangora
Barnyard millet rice effectively controls conditions pertaining to thyroid, pancreatic glands and diabetes. It is efficacious in cleansing liver, urinary bladder and gall bladder.

Browntop Millet

Also Known As : Pala Pul/Andakorra/Korale
Browntop millet rice roots out problems with digestive system. Besides, a wide range of conditions like piles, fistula, haemorrhoids, ulcers and brain, blood, breast, bone, stomach, intestine, skin cancers have an effective answer in Browntop millet rice.

Foxtail Millet

Also Known As : Kangni/Korralu/Kang/Rala
Foxtail millet rice is a balanced food. Besides containing 8 percentage of fibre, it also holds 12 percentage of protein in it.

Kodo Millet

Also Known As : Kodon/Varagu/Kodra
Kodo millet rice works well in cleansing blood, boosting the efficiency of bone marrow, curing asthma, fighting various kinds of cancer like kidney, prostate, blood, intestinal, thyroid, throat, pancreatic glands and liver.

Little Millet

Also Known As : Kutki/Saamalu/Sava/Vari
Little millet rice cures issues related to male and female reproductory systems. It controls PCOD (Poly Cystic Ovary Disease) in women and enhances sperm count in men.

Emmer Wheat :

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what we do

We Develop Create Custom Jewels.

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